
Annual Dinner – 2015

As some of you may be aware, 31 ACU’s Annual Dinner is upcoming on the 7th of November. A Minute and Registration forms were provided to the cadets last night, however for those of you who were not there i will post a link to the documents at the end of this post.

31 ACU’s Annual Dinner is a fun-filled semi-formal night where cadets have the opportunity to invite family and friends of 31ACU to reflect on the year that was, and also gives a great opportunity for the parents to see what the cadets have been up to throughout the year. Any cadets who have photos or memories from throughout the year are encouraged to provide them to myself so that we can share them for all to enjoy at the event.
This year 31 ACU will be holding the event at Club Kilsyth for the second time. Club Kilsyth are very supporting of our dinner events, and always go above an beyond to provide us with a pleasant night that is enjoyable for all. Please find below a few important things to note about our dinner this year:
  • The event will be held at Club Kilsyth (Cnr Cantebury Road & Colchester Road, Kilsyth).
  • Currently seating is limited to 90 persons, so first in best dressed. There may be a potential to further increase this, however it will depend on final numbers.
  • All guests MUST be listed on a registration form. If you are not a registered guest, you WILL be denied entry. This is venue regulations, we do not have any way around this.
  • Alcohol will be available to parents/friends over the age of 18 at your own expense. NO cadet/staff member will be consuming alcohol, regardless of age.
  • Payment MUST be made via cash/cheque before the 29th of October. We do not support direct deposit/EFTPOS facilities.
Dress Code:
Ladies after 5;
Serving Members: Mess Dress;
Cadets: DPCU or Civilian Dress;
Civilians: Lounge Suit or Dinner Suit;
Minimum: Shirt and Tie, NO JEANS.
A copy of the menu will be released shortly, those of you who do have dietary requirements are urged to contact me personally via email so that i can arrange with the venue to make alternative arrangements.
We hope to see you all there! If you have any questions or queries about the night, please feel free to send me an email (
Registration Forms:
Dinner Menu:
UA Leigh Brownfield
Admin Officer
31 Army Cadet Unit (Norwood)

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